The search is on for Scotland’s top green businesses

Scotland’s businesses can showcase their excellence in environmental practice by entering VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards and this year more businesses from the construction industry are being called on to apply.

Many firms are showing that environmental innovation and best practice can also bring economic benefits, which is helping to highlight Scotland as a leader in climate change action. Every business can play a role and the VIBES awards recognises those businesses that are leading the transition to a net zero emissions economy through innovation, partnerships, circular economy, adaptation and a commitment to making the environment a key factor in decision making.

If your business fits that bill, there is still time for you to showcase how you are achieving your environmental business goals ahead of April’s submissions deadline.

The VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards are a partnership between the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), The Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust, Highland & Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Scottish Water, Zero Waste Scotland and NatureScot.

More than 2,500 applications have been received since the awards began in 1999. Since then, more than 270 businesses of all sizes with a green ethos who have identified ways to tackle the impact on the planet by reducing consumption on its resources have been recognised. This has included increasing recycling, facilitating active travel and reducing the use of raw materials by adopting a more circular approach and more.

This year Applicants can choose from 12 award categories, including two additional new categories:

  • The Nature Rich Scotland Award – open to businesses being proactive in protecting or enhancing nature and connecting people with wildlife.
  • The Energy Transition Scotland Award – open to businesses demonstrating decarbonisation and a significant change in the ways they use or produce energy to minimise their impact on the environment.

Last year, Brewster Bros was a VIBES 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award winner. The firm specialises in sustainable resource management for the construction industry at their Livingston recycling plant by processing construction, demolition and excavation (CDE) waste into industry standard recycled aggregates and other recycled products, which are then sold back to the construction industry.

Brewster Bros impressed the judges with their commitment to a circular business model and their drive to change behaviours within the construction sector.

Scott Brewster, managing director of Brewster Bros, said: “We run our plant on a renewable energy tariff and so far, we have managed to recycle 90% of our process water. We also fuel our HGVs on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil rather than traditional diesel and operate a ‘backload’ system to ensure as few empty lorry loads as possible enter/exit our facility. 80% of our vehicle movements are loaded which results in 1000 tonnes of CO2 savings per year.”

Applications are free to submit. Contact for your application pack today.

All VIBES applicants receive tailored feedback and guidance and signposted to further free help, where appropriate. Businesses have until 5pm on 29 April 2022 to submit their application.

Finalists will be announced in June 2022.

For more informant on VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards, please visit

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